1.WERE job creation to continue at its present rate, it would take two decades to put America's almost 15m unemployed back to work.
2.By the end of the decade, at the present rate of cost growth, the price of a family insurance plan will rise to $27, 000.
3.If the present rate of deforestation is allowed to continue, the consequences for the earth will be great.
4.The MPEG-2 TM5, one of the present rate control algorithm in video compression, is frequently compared as a standard.
5.At the present rate of growth, Facebook will have more than 200 million active users by this time next year.
6.Some scientists estimate that at the present rate of use, the world's known oil deposits could ran out in from 10 to 15 years.
7.At our present rate of treating 1, 717 sq km a year, I've just calculated we'll need 300 years.
8.Transmission capacity, attention, search engines present rate .
9.The report also boldly predicted that if the speed of years continues to rise at the present rate, by 2037, 2037 won't occur at all.
10."If the present rate continues, " the report says, "the likelihood of them disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high. "